Generally speaking, we serve everybody. We aren’t aiming for a specific demographic or market because we know that wellness is inclusive and welcoming for all.
However, we thought we’d share a little bit about the common traits that the participants in our programs share in order to provide some clarity around what we do.
We serve people who are busy. People who work hard and give to others. People who feel that the world expects a lot from them, and try their best to deliver. People who hold themselves to a high standard, sometimes to the detriment of their physical and mental well-bring.
We serve people who have felt (or feel) burnt out - from work, from life, whatever.
We serve people who are conflicted. Those who want to practice self-care and wellness, but don’t know how to do it, how to make time for it, or fear they aren’t “ready” or “good enough” for it.
We serve people who want to be healthy in mind, body and soul. We serve people who want to live long for their kids, grandkids, partners, parents, friends, etc.
We serve people who want to evolve. People who want to feel good, inside and out.
We serve people who understand that there is no quick fix. People who recognize that wellness is a practice, an experience, and way of life, and want to incorporate more wellness into their lives in some sustainable way.
We serve people who make small, daily steps towards big goals.
We serve these people, because we are these people.
Wellness isn’t a final destination, but instead, it’s the road - the path - the journey. We are on the road with you, we just happen to be your tour guides for this leg.